Student Activities
Program Student Activities ingin mendorong dan memotivasi murid menuju sebuah standar kecakapan dalam kepemimpinan, komunikasi dan performa serta sekaligus menantang mereka untuk memuliakan Allah lewat karya nyata. Setiap aktivitas disusun untuk memberi dampak pada pertumbuhan akademis dan spiritual setiap murid serta mendorong terbentuknya persekutuan Kristiani antara para murid dengan para guru yang tergabung.
Student Activities program seeks to encourage and inspire students towards a standard excellency in leadership, communication and performance as well as challenge them to glorify God through real project(s). Each activity is designed to impact student’s academic and spiritual growth and to provide an opportunity for Christian fellowship between students and teachers of participating school.
Student English Leadership Conference (SELC)
Pelatihan kepemimpinan selama empat (4) hari tiga (3) malam dalam bahasa Inggris untuk murid kelas 8 hingga kelas 12 dan para mentor. Program ini dirancang dengan kurikulum empat (4) tingkat yang berkelanjutan bagi para murid dan empat (4) paket kurikulum bagi mentor. Metode-metode pengajaran seperti diskusi, permainan, berbicara di depan, kelompok- kelompok kecil dan aktivitas di luar ruangan digunakan untuk mengajak setiap peserta melibatkan diri dan mempraktekkan keterampilan memimpin dan berkomunikasi mereka secara langsung. Sejak tahun 2017 SELC ditawarkan dalam bentuk in-house dan disampaikan dalam Bahasa Indonesia jika dikehendaki.
A four (4) days-and-three (3) nights English leadership training for 14 to 18 years old students and their mentors. This program is designed using a four (4)-continuous-levels package for students and four mentors’ package. Teaching methods such as discussion, games, public speaking, small group and outdoor activity are used to engage participants and directly apply their ability to lead and communicate. Since 2017, SELC is offered as in-house and is delivered in Bahasa Indonesia upon request.
Student English Leadership Conference Curriculum
For Student
| Student | ||
Leadership Understandings | Leadership Skills | Leadership Spirituality | |
Level 1 | 1. Servant Leadership 2. Leading with Integrity 3. Visionary Leadership | 1. Public Speaking 2. Strategic Program Planning 3. Life Planning | Meditating the Bible |
Level 2 | 4. Managing Conflicts 5. Managing Changes 6. Leading with Tear | 4. Starting & Developing Relationship 5. Dealing with Difficult People 6. Problem Solving | Bible Background |
Level 3 | 7. Christian Worldview I 8. Christian Worldview II 9. “Reaching Out” (Henry J Nouwen) | 7. Critical Thinking 8. Decision Making 9. Expanding Your Network & Building A Team | Biblical Hermeneutic for Young Leaders |
Level 4 | 10. The Leadership’s Pitfall 11. Developing Teamwork | 10. Planning an Effective Program 11. Negotiating 12. “Reality Project” | Biblical Homiletic for Young Leaders |
For Mentor
“Passing the Torch”
1. How You Personally Can Equip the Next Generation of Culture-Shaping Leaders
2. How Jesus Equipped Leaders to Change the World
3. How to Equip the Next Generation Based On Your Gifts and Design
4. Living a Transformed Life
5. Breaking Down the Barriers to Lasting Influence
6. As You Are Going… Make Disciples
“Youth Program: The Foundation”
(Based on “Youth Ministry Handbook”, an e-book by John M. Dettoni)
1. Philosophy of Youth Program
2. Principles of Youth Program
3. Developmental Approach to The Youth
4. The Youth Worker: Required Criteria
“Youth Program: The Implementation”
(Based on “Youth Ministry Handbook”, an e-book by John M. Dettoni)
1. Leadership Development in Youth Program
2. Administration & Organization: How to Avoid Unproductive Activities in Your Youth Program
3. Creative Models of Youth Program
4. Evaluating Your Youth Program
“Mentoring Millennials”
(Based on “Mentoring Milennials: Shaping The Next Generation”, by Daniel Egeler)
1. Understanding The Milennials
2. Understanding The Context: The Youth Culture
3. Understanding Mentoring: Building Cross-Generational Communication
4. Understanding Mentoring: Models of Mentoring
Youth Mission Conference (YMC)
YMC merupakan seminar yang mengangkat topik-topik misi terkini yang diharapkan bisa menantang murid dan guru untuk menyusun sebuah tindakan nyata sebagai respon nyata keterlibatan mereka dalam misi Allah di dunia. Pada kesempatan ini juga dibuka kesempatan bagi para murid dan guru untuk mempresentasikan program misi yang telah mereka lakukan di sekolah mereka.
YMC is seminar with current mission topics which is intended to challenge students and teachers to create an action plan as their sincere response of engagement towards God’s mission in earth. During this event an opportunity is offered to students and teachers to present their mission program that they had done at their school.
Untuk judul topik dan pembicara YMC tahun-tahun sebelumnya dapat dilihat pada: dengan memasukkan kata kunci “youth” pada kolom Search.
For previous YMC topic titles and speakers please visit by entering the keyword “youth” in Search column.
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YMC 2021 – English Session
YMC 2021 – Sesi Bahasa Indonesia